With over two decades of experience in helping fleets to streamline their operations, InSight understands the specific management needs of a wide variety of industries
Smart and specific solutions, tailored to your industry
Each industry has its own “pain points” that keep owners and managers awake at night. And each has a specific set of metrics to measure that indicate whether work is being done the way it should. Since InSight’s been providing fleet safety and management solutions since the late 90’s, there aren’t many operations or industries we haven’t come across. No matter what you need to measure or manage, we can tailor a solution to help you capture the data that’s essential to your success.

InSight’s focus for the EMS industry to help organizations build a culture of safety through monitoring, coaching and improving driver behavior. The solution combines a flexible telematics program with driver behavior monitoring, video capture through cameras, maintenance and fuel management, integration with CAD and billing systems and mobile connectivity for EMS crews – all with a purpose to promote safer and smarter operations.

Pest Control
In the pest control industry, technicians work more efficiently when utilizing technology that keeps them connected to the back office and informed of the most accurate job and route information. Managers need to be assured not only of their techs’ locations, but of their driving habits and performance. Safety, connectivity, efficiency – critical elements for your pest control company, all delivered through the StreetEagle® software platform.

InSight allows waste companies to tie many of their most important management tasks together in a single, integrated and supported technology platform. From cameras to capture video both inside and outside the vehicle, to real-time route progress and alerts to deviations in service, to maintenance management and diagnostics – InSight can help waste companies run a much smoother, safer operation.

Food and Beverage
Owners and managers of food and beverage distribution operations have more to keep track of than most: beyond the current location and status of their vehicles, they must also monitor maintenance and inspections, the temperature of the produce, progress of multiple routes and compliance with Federal safety regulations. StreetEagle is a sophisticated enough software platform to handle all of this for you using one interface, and can be configured to provide data for specific locations and time windows and customized alerts to monitor your cargo the way you need to.

Construction companies manage so many moving parts across multiple work sites – InSight provides a solution that delivers real-time location and status data for them all, and helps managers connect the dots and remain “in the know” for all of their vehicles, mobile workers and equipment. Data captured also ensures accurate job costing and validated timesheets, while enforcing safe practices and proper utilization of your vehicles.

Special Trades
Along with the industry’s most flexible and dependable telematics platform, InSight provides mobile tools and technologies to maximize the efficiency of your workers in the field. Dynamic dispatch of job information to smart devices, signature and photo capture, custom forms and mobile time clock make sure that your team is always connected to the back office.

Don’t see your own industry listed here? For over two decades, InSight’s worked with almost every type of fleet or mobile operation conceivable. Click below to view other types of organizations we’ve worked with.