Fleet Maintenance Management
Keep your Vehicles on the Road and Operating Efficiently
Manage your Maintenance Needs, Costs, Diagnostics and More
StreetEagle ties maintenance tracking and scheduling, engine diagnostics, and vehicle inspections together to create a fleet maintenance management tool that helps ensure you have your vehicles operating as consistently and efficiently as possible. We’ll help you stay on top of necessary repairs, manage your maintenance costs and maintain your organization’s standards of vehicle safety and uptime.

A Simple System to Track and Schedule Vehicle Maintenance
Right within StreetEagle, you can set a schedule for regular preventive maintenance for your vehicles, and also create alerts that will notify the right people when that maintenance is due. You can also log emergency or unexpected repairs with their dates and costs. By logging all of this activity, you then have access to the maintenance history of each vehicle which can be analyzed to determine its performance.

Staying on Top of (and Measuring) Vehicle Uptime
As all fleet managers know, the costs of taking vehicles off the road due to maintenance can be brutal: not just from the repairs themselves, but also from not having your vehicles available to work. Losing jobs and customers isn’t an option, so renting vehicles is sometimes the only choice (at even greater expense). StreetEagle’s fleet maintenance software provides you with DTC codes from your vehicle engine to diagnose problems before they take vehicles off the road, and also gives you a maintenance history for every vehicle. You can take pre-emptive action before you lose valuable time and revenue.

Daily Vehicle Maintenance Reports and Dashboards
In StreetEagle, you can configure dashboards and reports to show you vehicle availability on a daily (rolling) basis. Since schedules and work plans change constantly, on any given day managers need to know which vehicles are ready to go and which aren’t. From either a computer or mobile device, StreetEagle gives you an update on the status of all your vehicles from day to day.

Instant Insight into Critical Functions through Diagnostics
Through StreetEagle’s vehicle diagnostics capabilities, users have access to much more than just engine codes. You also have insight into important vehicle functions and data points, such as true odometer readings, engine run time, seat belt usage and PTO – so you can monitor whether company policies are being adhered to as well as vehicle performance.

Total Access to All of Your Maintenance Data, Remotely
StreetEagle Pro users also have access to the StreetEagle Mobile app, and that means all of the maintenance dashboard and reports you’ve set up are available to you on the road. When you’re “in the heat of battle” in the field and need to check on a vehicle’s availability or history, with StreetEagle Mobile that information is immediately within your reach.

Schedule your personalized demo with InSight Mobile Data