Vehicle Fleet Diagnostics
Instant notification and daily monitoring of engine/fuel usage efficiencies and violations.
StreetEagle® Vehicle Diagnostics
Download the info sheet to learn more about the
benefits of StreetEagle® Vehicle Diagnostics. (PDF)
Proactive Monitoring of Every Vehicle's Performance and Utilization, From Anywhere
Managing the maintenance needs and engine health for all of the vehicles in your fleet can be a daunting and time-consuming job. StreetEagle's vehicle diagnostics technology alleviates the pain and hassle of this task by automatically notifying you of vehicle health issues before they become a problem – and, by giving you instant access to real-time (or archived) vehicle engine and fuel usage data whenever you need it. With this data you can anticipate maintenance needs, discover and coach driving behaviors that are shortening an engine's lifespan, and monitor fuel waste and efficiency.

Instant Awareness of Any Vehicle Engine's Health, and Warning Signs
Supervisors and managers can be instantly notified when any kind of vehicle dashboard light is signaled – engine DTC codes, coolant/oil temperature, RPM or tire pressure alerts. More specifically, you will know when drivers abuse company vehicles (due to high and redline RPM readings) and can take immediate action to correct and eliminate these behaviors. Beyond just receiving alerts for safety violations, you can also know how various driving habits are impacting the health of your vehicle engines.

Identify and Coach Individual Driving Behaviors to Preserve Vehicle Engine Health
StreetEagle vehicle diagnostics enables vehicle health scoring, which reveals how individual drivers operate and potentially abuse company vehicles. Combining engine health data with onboard driver safety monitoring means that supervisors can assess the "wear and tear" of each vehicle and make educated decisions about how to adjust service and maintenance schedules to prolong its life.

Monitor Seatbelt Usage and Receive Alerts for Violations
Seatbelt usage is another critical driver behavior that can be tracked and coached using StreetEagle vehicle diagnostics. Avoiding fines is a nice financial benefit of these features, but protecting your drivers, creating a safety-first mindset and avoiding unnecessary risk for your operation is the real win here. You'll be instantly alerted when violations occur and can initiate the necessary correction, both "in the moment" or afterwards during coaching or training sessions.

Analyze Fuel Levels, Consumption and Economy for Any Vehicle, Any Time
The vehicle diagnostics module is constantly monitoring and displaying fuel levels, consumption data and economy for all of your vehicles. Fleet managers and supervisors can access this information any time they need to, from the office or on mobile devices, to make smarter decisions on the fly. The data is available via reports, instant notification alerts or via online dashboard, so that whether analyzing current or past performance, you're always provided with accurate data.

Uncover Exactly How Wasted Fuel and Aggressive Driving Is Hurting Your Profits
StreetEagle vehicle diagnostics comes with advanced fuel level monitoring and waste analytics to protect you from unauthorized fuel purchases, excess consumption due to aggressive driving, and engine abuse. Managers can determine not only how much fuel is being wasted due to poor driving practices, but also calculate how much it's costing their business. Alerts will notify you of fillups that are out of tolerance (after normal business hours, or outside of authorized locations), or of low fuel levels to help vehicles in need.

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