Precisely Configurable to Specific Needs of Your Operation
Like the rest of StreetEagle, the real-time vehicle alerts platform is customizable to a degree that other systems simply aren’t. With over 20 different alert types to choose from, you can go beyond identifying what you need to be alerted on, and move into when and how. What time frames are important to you? What’s the preferred method of notification? What locations and zones do you need to hear from? You can drill down to the exact alerts you and your team members most need to receive.
20 Different Real-Time Vehicle Alert Types to Choose From
Within the StreetEagle alerts interface there are over 20 different alert types to choose from, covering a wide variety of events and functions. You can be alerted to basic needs like entering/exiting zones or speeding... but you can also take it to another level with driver assignments, maintenance needs, PTO on/off, temperature variations for refrigerated goods or medicines, and much more.
An Advanced Level of Configurability
Using StreetEagle alerts you can focus in on specific locations or zones you’d like to monitor, or, certain time windows that are important to you (useful for events like after-hours usage for drivers who take vehicles home). You can also completely customize the frequency of when alerts are received, who is to receive them and at what preferred times.
Multiple Methods for Displaying and Sharing Alerts
To be effective, real-time vehicle alerts need to be available to you wherever you are, and in whatever display format is most comfortable and aligns with your schedule and workflow. StreetEagle gives you multiple options for how you’d like to receive your notifications: directly to your mobile device, your email account or as pop-ups on your desktop for team members that spend more time in the office than in the field.
Monitor Activities Onboard the Vehicle or Asset
Depending on the cargo your vehicles carry or the functions they perform, you may want to be notified of a lot more than where they are, how fast they’re going or whether they need an oil change. That’s where StreetEagle’s advanced capabilities reveal their value: sensor monitors can be used to track PTO’s for various vehicle functions (boom up/down, doors open/closed, sprayers on/off), lights and sirens for ambulances, and temperature settings for perishable goods.
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