myScore is part of a complete set of driver behavior monitoring tools available through the StreetEagle® solutions platform.
An online, mobile-optimized portal for drivers and managers to login and view scores across a variety of critical performance categories, including but not limited to:
- Driver behavior – including precise measurements on acceleration, braking and cornering
- Speeding – comparing against posted speeds, and how much over limits
- Excessive Idling – accumulated “engine on” to pinpoint wasteful habits
It is a set of interactive tools that deliver precise driver data directly to employees and their supervisors.
This software allows fleet managers to compare individual’s performance to other team members, and the entire group, in order to organize fleets and assess driver safety standards.
myScore effectively identifies drivers that need work and recognizes those that are meeting or exceeding set standards.
Fleet managers can then decide accordingly whether to reward or coach drivers.
Using myScore will reduce driver risk, improve driver safety, and provide valuable data to get the most out of your fleet.
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Scoring Drivers using myScore
First and foremost, myScore improves driver behavior by providing real-time GPS tracking data about your drivers’ habits. Some of the features include:
- Providing drivers instant visibility into safety scores and performance metrics, from anywhere
- Establish safety standards so drivers understand when they are in violation.
- Opportunity to improve problem areas before a review
The SCORE tab within myScore mobile is a way to communicate performance metrics to individual drivers, managers, and the entire organization.
In a place where expectations are outlined, gray areas are eliminated. With this software managers can communicate to current employees the areas they can improve and show new employees what is expected of them.
Leveraging this historical data gives every employee the opportunity to improve and to be held to a certain standard.
Opportunities for Coaching using myScore
Before GPS tracking, many businesses used ride-alongs as a method for coaching. Isolated instances that really provided no true data on how drivers were behaving when unwatched.
Now, by receiving alerts, regular reports, driver scorecards and updated dashboards, coaching is now done in-house, saving everybody time.
Fleet managers can view any of their drivers’ behaviors daily, or weekly, or monthly with historical data for the lifetime of contract.
All of this will show real-time driver violations, sustained behavior, and trends over time. Look at one driver or compare them to your entire fleet all within one software.
The TRENDS tab within myScore mobile is a great tool to use for coaching drivers. View trends over months of data to assess where the problem areas are within your fleet.
The data is a convenient way to review and coach drivers using a clear graphical interface.
For your entire organization, this means eliminating harmful practices like speeding and excessive idling.
Using this data as a tool gets your entire team involved and invested in driver safety. It will serve as a teaching aid for safety supervisors, so guidelines are clear and easy to follow.
When the time comes, the historical vehicle tracking data is also an HR performance assessment tool, so your employees understand why they receive the review they do – good or bad.
Then use myScore to pinpoint specific necessary needs for improvement and view individual results vs. results of others or whole team
And the thing employees will be happiest about? Recognize and reward high achievers for their great work.